"Google Yanks Seven Stalkerware Apps Discovered by Security Researchers From the Play Store"Seven apps have been removed from the Google Play Store after being identified by the cybersecurity firm, Avast, as being stalkerware. According to security researchers, these apps were designed to collect users' personal information including location,…
"To Foil Hackers, This Chip Can Change Its Code in the Blink of an Eye"Researchers at the University of Michigan are developing a new computer processor architecture that defends against hackers by randomizing the chip's code. The processor architecture, called Morpheus, would significantly complicate hackers' attempts at…
"Microsoft Notified 10,000 Victims of Nation-State Attacks"Microsoft had discovered and notified 10,000 Microsoft users that were victims of Nation-State Attacks. Most of the attacks came from state-sponsored hackers from Iran, North Korea, and Russia. Microsoft discovered that around 84% of the nearly…
"Sprint Customer Data Breached via Samsung Website Flaw"Sprint customer accounts have been compromised via the Samsung website. In a letter to impacted customers, Sprint stated that hackers may have viewed personal information such as phone numbers, device types, billing addresses, names, and more. The…
"Companies with Zero-Trust Network Security Move Toward Biometric Authentication"New research reveals that organizations with zero-trust network security are increasingly utilizing biometrics to verify users' access to business applications. Zero-trust security refers to an approach in which individuals and devices are not trusted…
System Security Circus 2018What's the overall status of cybersecurity conferences? Great question. There is a site that keeps track of those statistics. Some interesting facts. CMU leads all institutions with over 200 papers. UC Berkeley is at 2 etc.…
"$4.6 Million Award Creates Program to Train Cybersecurity Professionals"A multi-disciplinary team of researchers at the University of Arkansas has been awarded $4.63 million by the National Science Foundation in support of creating a program aimed at cultivating security skills and sustaining a cybersecurity workforce. The…
"Bluetooth LE’s Anti-Tracking Technology Beaten"In a new study that was conducted, researchers discovered a way around the Media Access Control (MAC) address randomization feature used by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which protects users and their devices from being identified and tracked. The…
"Software Developers Face Secure Coding Challenges"DevOps service provider, GitLab, conducted a survey aimed at highlighting trends that are impacting developers to which 4,000 developers, managers, and executives at software-producing companies responded. The results of the survey reveal a disparity…
"Supply Chains May Pose Weakest Security Link"Vulnerabilities in the U.S. military supply chain are being exploited by adversaries to execute attacks aimed at stealing valuable technical data, damaging critical infrastructure, gaining access to connected systems, degrading systems, and more. It has…
"Hack Brief: A Card-Skimming Hacker Group Hit 17K Domains—and Counting"Magecart is made up of sophisticated hacking groups that perform web-based card-skimming attacks to steal credit card numbers. The threat detection firm, RiskIQ, released a new report, which reveals the scanning of misconfigured Amazon S3 buckets by…
"How can Attackers Abuse Artificial Intelligence?"In a study on how attackers can abuse artificial intelligence a few things were discovered. It was discovered that adversaries will continue to learn how to compromise AI systems as the technology continues to spreads. The number of ways…