Understanding the temperature dependence of acoustic and photoacoustic (PA) properties is important for the characterization of materials and measurements in various applications. Ultrasound methods have been developed to estimate these properties, but they require careful consideration of multiple variables and steps to obtain reliable results. This study aimed to develop an automated system for simultaneous characterization of acoustic and PA properties of materials. The system was designed to minimize operator errors, ensuring robust temperature control and reproducibility for acoustic measurements. This was made possible through the integration of a commercially available PA imaging system with a custom-built platform specifically tailored for ultrasound-based acoustic characterization. This platform consisted of both hardware and software modules. The system was evaluated with NaCl solutions at different concentrations and a gelatin/agar cubic phantom prepared with uniformly distributed magnetic nanoparticles serving as optical absorbers. Results obtained from the NaCl solution samples exhibited a high Lin s concordance coefficient (above 0.9) with previously reported studies. In the ultrasound/PA experiment, temperature dependences of the speed of sound and PA intensity revealed a strong Pearson s correlation coefficient (0.99), with both measurements exhibiting a monotonic increase as anticipated for water-based materials. These findings demonstrate the accuracy and stability of the developed system for acoustic property measurements.
Authored by Ricardo Bordonal, João Uliana, Lara Pires, Ernesto Mazón, Antonio Carneiro, Theo Pavan
In this work, we investigated the design of low loss and wideband shear horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) acoustic delay lines (ADLs) on a sapphire-based thin-film lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) platform. The SH-SAW propagates in a Y-cut LN/SiO2 double-layer thin film atop the sapphire substrate, where the significant acoustic impedance mismatch between the thin film and the substrate confines the acoustic energy at the surface, thus minimizing the propagation loss. The single-phase unidirectional transducers (SPUDT) used in this work is implemented with gold (Au) to maximize the electromechanical coupling as well as the directionality. The proposed ADLs based on YX-LN/SiO2/Sapphire centered at 830 MHz showed a minimum insertion loss (IL) of 3 dB, a wide fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 4.19\%, and a low propagation loss (PL) of 2.51 dB/mm, which yields an effective quality factor (QPL) exceeds 2,700. These results demonstrate the competitive performance of the proposed devices compared to state-of-the-art thin film LN ADLs, offering extremely low propagation loss for RF signal processing.
Authored by Chia-Hsien Tsai, Tzu-Hsuan Hsu, Zhi-Qiang Lee, Cheng-Chien Lin, Ya-Ching Yu, Shao-Siang Tung, Ming-Huang Li
This paper presents the design of a MEMS resonator with capacitive transduction as an acoustic sensor, intended for cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy. The sensor employs area-variable capacitive detection by surrounding the silicon resonator with dense comb teeth. To reduce gas damping effects on the resonator motion, the anchor height is increased to 260 µm. This approach successfully resolves the capacitance detection sensitivity and motion damping trade-off commonly seen in acoustic detection. Experimental results exhibit a maximum sensitivity of 3749 mV/Pa at the resonant frequency of 1870 Hz with a 15 V bias voltage. The equivalent noise has a peak value of 7.9 µPa/Hz1/2 and the noise sources are analyzed.
Authored by Yonggang Yin, Danyang Ren, Yuqi Wang, Da Gao, Junhui Shi
This work presents a modified AlN/Sapphire layered SAW structure localized partial removal of AlN thin film and sapphire, respectively. The SAW propagation and resonance characteristics of the proposed structure with periodic grooves and voids are analyzed using finite element method (FEM). Compared with conventional AlN-based SAW, the proposed structure with optimization configuration and parameters effectively improves the K2 while maintaining a high V, meanwhile eliminates spurious modes. It is demonstrated that the Sezawa mode on the proposed SAW resonator structure offers operating frequencies above 5GHz, K2 values above 6.5\%, and an excellent impedance ratio of 98dB, which makes it a potential candidate for advanced 5G applications.
Authored by Huiling Liu, Qiaozhen Zhang, Hao Sun, Yuandong Gu, Nan Wang
In this work, the shear horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) resonators were demonstrated on 15° YXLiNbO3/SiO2/sapphire (LiNbO3-on-sapphire, LNOS) substrate. Compared to the reported gigahertz SAW resonators based on piezoelectric heterogeneous substrates, the fabricated resonator in this work exhibits a state-of-the-art electromechanical coupling coefficient (k2) of 42.2\%, a maximum Bode-Q (Qmax) of 1457 and an excellent figure of merit (k2×Qmax) of 615. Besides, several methods for suppressing transverse modes were implemented and compared. Tilted interdigital-transducers combined with the apodization technique can suppress the transverse modes more thoroughly while maintaining decent Q values. Overall, SAW devices based on the LNOS substrate have great potential for RF filters with low insertion loss, steep skirts, and wide bandwidth.
Authored by Jinbo Wu, Yang Chen, Liping Zhang, Pengcheng Zheng, Hulin Yao, Xiaoli Fang, Kai Huang, Shibin Zhang, Xin Ou
This paper investigates acoustic cross-coupling and remote excitation in an array of PMUTs (piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers). Though undesired cross-talk can impact on PMUT array performance, the same can be also employed for remote excitation. The device array under study comprises of 7 PMUTs with constant pitch which is designed and characterized at the fundamental and higher order modes. The insights are employed to demonstrate a remote frequency filter and dual-channel excitation employing acoustic coupling.
Authored by Teng Zhang, Ashwin Seshia
The availability of Piezoelectric-On-Insulator (POI) substrates, made of a thin single crystal LiTaO3 film atop a silicon substrate, has promoted the development of innovative Surface and Bulk Acoustic Wave (SAW and BAW) devices. However, these substrates are so far only commercially available in 100 and 150 mm diameter. In this work, we successfully demonstrate acoustic devices based on 200 mm POI substrates. First, we fabricate SAW resonators displaying an electromechanical coupling coefficient of 8.8\% at a resonance frequency of 1.6 GHz. Then, we implement Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR), integrating buried electrodes and an acoustic isolation structure, which exhibits a single resonance at 2.8 GHz, with an electromechanical coupling coefficient of 8.8\% and a quality factor close to 190. Eventually, we show a Solidly Mounted Resonator (SMR) based on a dielectric (AlN/SiO2) Bragg mirror, which exhibits performances close to AlN-based resonators, i.e. a coupling coefficient of 6.1\% and a quality factor of 405 at 4 GHz. For the later, a Temperature Coefficient of Frequency (TCF) of -14 and -22 ppm/°C at resonance and antiresonance are obtained respectively. Such TCF values are among the lowest ever reported for LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 BAW resonators. These results offer promising perspectives towards the development of 200 mm SAW and BAW filters based on POI substrates.
Authored by M. Bousquet, A. Joulie, C. Hellion, M. Sansa, J. Delprato, P. Perreau, G. Enyedi, G. Lima, J. Guerrero, G. Castellan, A. Tantet, S. Chevallet, T. Monniez, I. Huyet, A. Clairet, T. Laroche, S. Ballandras, A. Reinhardt
In this paper, a 30° YX-Lithium Niobate (LN) 0-th shear horizontal (SH0) plate acoustic wave (PAW) resonator is proposed. The SH0 mode characteristics the superiority of interdigital transducer (IDT) in the frequency definition over most other plate modes. Using finite element analysis method, the rotation angle of LN and the thickness of each layer were optimized for large effective coupling coefficient (k2eff) and high acoustic velocity. The rotation angle and the thickness of LN membrane are optimized as 30° and 0.2, respectively. To improve the temperature stability of proposed PAW resonators, a SiO2 film are added and the thickness is designed as 0.2. The measurement results derived a k2eff of 25.1\%, a Bode-Qmax of 604, and a Figure of merit (FoM) of 151, which is higher than the reported similar-type PAW resonators. The measured first-order temperature coefficients of frequency at resonant frequency (TCFfs) and anti-resonant frequency (TCFfp) are -38ppm/°C and -26ppm/°C, suggesting the temperature stability improvement in comparison with only LN membrane-based resonators.
Authored by Shuxian Wu, Zonglin Wu, Hangyu Qian, Feihong Bao, Gongbin Tang, Feng Xu, Jie Zou
This paper presents a new method to suppress spurious modes in lithium niobate thin-film acoustic devices by twisting the piezoelectric coupling properties of the spurious modes. The excellent piezoelectric properties of lithium niobate (LiNbO3) advance performance but lead to significant spurious modes accompanied by the targeted main mode. To harvest the benefits and avoid the spurious modes, this work investigates solidly mounted LiNbO3 thin films with different substrates to twist the zero-coupling orientations of spurious modes to be close to the maximum-coupling orientation of the targeted main mode. The fabricated devices, based on the solidly mounted LiNbO3sapphire structure and surface guided acoustic wave, show an operating frequency of 2.4 GHz with a large electromechanical coupling of 22\% and a spurious-free response in the wide frequency range. This work could overcome a significant bottleneck in commercializing LiNbO3 thin-film acoustic devices.
Authored by Fangsheng Qian, Tsz Ho, Yansong Yang
This work proposes a novel one-port 3D acoustic resonator based on the lithium niobate thin film on conductive silicon carbide substrate (LiNbO3-on-SiC, LNCSiC). The fabricated resonator shows coupled frequency responses of the shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW), the longitudinal leaky SAW (LL-SAW), and the high-overtone bulk acoustic waves (HBAWs). The HBAWs propagating in the thickness direction of LNCSiC show a wide frequency response span exceeding 4 GHz and an excellent maximum quality factor ( ) of 7980. The GHz SH-SAW propagating in the surface of LNCSiC show a large electromechanical coupling coefficient ( ) of 25.95\%, while the LL-SAW shows an extremely high velocity of \textasciitilde6900 m/s. Such hybrid resonators could potentially open up new applications in radio frequency communications, 3D imaging, and sensing.
Authored by Liping Zhang, Shibin Zhang, Jinbo Wu, Pengcheng Zheng, Hulin Yao, Yang Chen, Kai Huang, Xiaomeng Zhao, Min Zhou, Xin Ou
A High Overtone Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator (HBAR) is fabricated with the active material being Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST). Owing to its strong electrostrictive property, the BST needs an external dc voltage to yield an electromechanical coupling. The variations in resonances with respect to varying dc fields are noted and analyzed with the aid of an Resonant Spectrum Method (RSM) model. Effective coupling coefficient \$(\textbackslashmathrmK\_\textbackslashmathrme\textbackslashmathrmf\textbackslashmathrmfˆ2(%))\$ in the case of employed MIM based structure is observed and the comparisons are drawn with the corresponding values of the CPC structures. An improvement of 70% in the value of \$\textbackslashmathrmK\_\textbackslashmathrme\textbackslashmathrmf\textbackslashmathrmfˆ2\$(%)at 1.34 GHz is witnessed in MIM structures because of direct access to the bottom electrode of the structure.
Authored by Shivakumar Chedurupalli, Karthik Reddy, T Raman, K.C Raju
Acoustic wave (AW) synthesis methodologies have become popular among AW filter designers because they provide a fast and precise seed to start with the design of AW devices. Nowadays, with the increasing complexity of carrier aggregation, there is a strong necessity to develop synthesis methods more focused on multiport filtering schemes. However, when dealing with multiport filtering functions, numerical accuracy plays an important role to succeed with the synthesis process since polynomial degrees are much higher as compared to the standalone filter case. In addition to polynomial degree, the number set of polynomial coefficients is also an important source of error during the extraction of the circuital elements of the filter. Nonetheless, in this paper is demonstrated that coupling matrix approaches are the best choice when the objective is to synthesize filtering functions with complex roots in their characteristic polynomials, which is the case of the channel polynomials of the multiport device.
Authored by L. Acosta, E. Guerrero, C. Caballero, J. Verdú, P. de Paco
The Inertial Navigation System(INS) and Doppler Velocity Logs(DVL) which are used frequently on autonomous underwater vehicles can be fused under different types of integration architectures. These architectures differ in terms of algorithm requirements and complexity. DVL may experience acoustic beam losses during operation due to environmental factors and abilities of the sensor. In these situations, radial velocity information cannot be received from lost acoustic beam. In this paper, the performances of INS and DVL integration under tightly and loosely coupled architectures are comparatively presented with simulations. In the tightly coupled approach, navigation filter is updated with solely available beam measurements by using sequential measurement update method, and the sensitivity of this method is investigated for acoustic beam losses.
Authored by Talha İnce, Sertaç Çakir
SummaryIn this study, the propagation and resonance properties of shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves (SH SAWs) on a rotated Y-cut 90°X propagating Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) with a Au- or Al-interdigital transducer (IDT) were investigated theoretically and experimentally. It was found that not only a high-density Au-IDT but also a conventional Al-IDT enables the energy trapping of SH SAW in the vicinity of the surface. For both IDTs, the effective electromechanical coupling factor of about 1.2% and the zero temperature coefficient of frequency can be simultaneously obtained by adjusting the cut angle of CTGS and the electrode film thickness.
Authored by Ryoto Suzuki, Masashi Suzuki, Shoji Kakio, Noritoshi Kimura
The main limitation of acoustic particle separation for microfluidic application is its low sorting efficiency. This is due to the weak coupling of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) into the microchannel. In this work, we demonstrate bulk acoustic wave (BAW) particle sorting using capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for the first time. A collapsed mode CMUT was driven in air to generate acoustic pressure within the silicon substrate in the in-plane direction of the silicon die. This acoustic pressure was coupled into a water droplet, positioned at the side of the CMUT die, and measured with an optical hydrophone. By using a beam steering approach, the ultrasound generated from 32 CMUT elements were added in-phase to generate a maximum peak-to-peak pressure of 0.9 MPa. Using this pressure, 10 µm latex beads were sorted almost instantaneously.
Authored by Shinnosuke Kawasaki, Jia–Jun Yeh, Marta Saccher, Jian Li, Ronald Dekker
The achievable bandwidth in ladder acoustic filters is strictly limited by the electromechanical coupling coefficient (k;) in conventional ladder-acoustic filters. Furthermore, their out-of-band rejection is inherently weak due to the frequency responses of the shunt or series-connected acoustic resonators. This work proposes a coupling-matrix-based solution for both issues by employing acoustic and electromagnetic resonators within the same filter prototype using prescribed Chebyshev responses. It has been shown that significantly much wider bandwidths, that cannot be achieved with acoustic-only filters, can be obtained. An important strength of the proposed method is that a filter with a particular FBW can be designed with a wide range of acoustic resonators with different k; values. An 14 % third-order asymmetrical-response filter is designed and fabricated using electromagnetic resonators and an acoustic resonator with a k; of 3.5 %.
Authored by Gokhan Ariturk, Nawaf Almuqati, Yao Yu, Ernest Yen, Adam Fruehling, Hjalti Sigmarsson
Expanding techniques for chip-scale acoustic wave focusing would open doors for advancements in signal processing and quantum electromechanical microsystems. In this paper, we present a method for acoustic wave focusing and wavefront shaping at radio frequencies (RF), validated with thin-film lithium niobite on a low-loss and high coupling silicon carbide (LiNbO3-on-SiC) testbed. By depositing a metal layer, we can mitigate the piezoelectric stiffening effect, and reduce the acoustic wave speed in a patterned area. Employing a design analogous to geometric optical systems, efficient acoustic wave focusing is experimentally observed. With more development, this technique could be employed in emerging acoustic microsystems.
Authored by Jack Kramer, Daehun Lee, Sinwoo Cho, Shahin Jahanbani, Keji Lai, Ruochen Lu
Solidly mounted resonators (SMRs) built on dielectric acoustic reflectors can save several fabrication steps as well as avoid undesired parasitic effects when exciting extended electrodes via capacitive coupling. In this work we manufacture and measure the frequency response of AlN-based SMRs built on 7-layer ZnO/SiO2 acoustic reflectors with SiO2 working as low impedance material and ZnO as high impedance material. After applying a 700°C treatment, their frequency response is measured again and compared with the pre-treatment measurements.
Authored by José Cejas, Teona Mirea, Marta Clement, Jimena Olivares
Recently, in solving problems of sound radiation by systems of piezoceramic radiators, new approaches have emerged, which make it possible to significantly approximate the design parameters of systems to the actually measured ones. These approaches are associated with taking into account the specific features of these systems performing two functions - the function of converting electrical energy into acoustic energy and the function of forming the latter in the surrounding space. The peculiarity of the first function is the interconnection of the electric, mechanical and acoustic fields during energy conversion. The peculiarity of the second function is the interaction of the radiators in the system during the formation of its acoustic field. The aim of the work is to study the effect of acoustic interaction of cylindrical piezoceramic radiators in the composition of flat systems on their physical fields. Using the method of coupled fields in multiply connected domains, using the addition theorems for cylindrical wave functions, we obtain analytical relations that allow one to calculate the numerical results for the parameters of three interconnected physical fields that ensure the emission of sound by plane systems. Their analysis showed that with the radial symmetry of electrical excitation of cylindrical radiators, the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is carried out on one - zero mode of oscillation. The placement of the radiators in the composition of the flat systems leads to the appearance of the effect of acoustic interaction between them in an external field, due to the multiple exchange of radiated and scattered waves. This effect destroys the radial symmetry of the acoustic loading of a single radiator. The violation of symmetry in the conversion of mechanical energy into acoustic energy leads to the appearance of oscillations that follow the zero mode. As a result, there is an effective redistribution of energy “pumped” into the radiators in the zero mode, between subsequent oscillations of the radiators. In turn, the emergence of new modes changes the acoustic field of a flat system. The results show the need to take into account the above features of the physical fields of the radiators in the composition of flat systems when choosing methods and developing methods for measuring field characteristics.
Authored by Oleksandr Leiko, Anatolii Derepa, Olha Pozdniakova, Oksana Kocharian
From the perspective of time domain, the propagation characteristics of sound waves in seawater can be seen more intuitively. In order to study the influence and characteristics of seamount on low frequency acoustic propagation, the research of this paper used the Finite Element Method (FEM) based on time domain to set up a full-waveguide low-frequency acoustic propagation simulation model, and discussed the influencing laws about acoustic propagation on seamount. The simulation results show that Seamounts can hinder the propagation of sound waves, weaken the energy of sound waves. The topographic changes of seamounts can cause the coupling and transformation of acoustic signals during the propagation which can stimulate the seabed interface wave.
Authored by Huang Yan, Hanhao Zhu, Zhiqiang Cui, Zhigang Chai, Qile Wang, Yize Wang