Title Date
NY Times Article About Behavior
Password Security through Negative Authentication
Process Query Systems
Symantec Global Internet Security Threat Report
Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues
The Theory of Trackability with Applications to Sensor Networks
Traffic and Attack Pattern Analysis for Multiagent Distributed Intrusion Detection System
Welcome and Introductions: SoS Quarterly Lablet Meeting at CMU
Laying the Cyber Foundations: The Science of Security and Privacy Initiative
Optimal State Estimation and Model Detection and Applications to Security and Privacy
Prioritizing Security Efforts with a Risk-Based Attack Surface Approximation
Immutability for Integrity: Combining Language Theory and the Science of Usability in Glacier
Observing Passwords in Their Natural Habitat
UMD Lablet Overview
UIUC Lablet Overview
NCSU SoS Lablet Summary
CMU SoS Lablet Summary
Vulnerability Disclosure In the Age of Social Media: Exploiting Twitter for Predicting Real-world Exploits
The Role of Experimental Science in Cybersecurity
Discovering Emergent Behavior From Network Packet Data: Lessons from the Angle Project
Castle Warrior: Redefining 21st Century Network Defense
Edwards et al 2017 - Strategic Aspects of Cyberattack, Attribution, and ....pdf