Title Date
Enhanced Attribution
Creating Clarity with Big Data
Tackling Big Data
Linked Data: Connecting and Exploiting Big Data
Accessorize to a Crime: Real and Stealthy Attacks on State-of-the-Art Recognition
Strategic Placement of Security Monitors in Industrial Control Systems
HoTSoS2018 Travel Reimbursement Form
Cyber Security for Aviation Weapon Systems
Combinatorial Security Testing Course
Microarchitectural Attacks: From the Basics to Arbitrary Read and Write Primitives without any Software Bugs
​You’ve Got a Vuln, I’ve Got a Vuln, Everybody’s Got a Vuln
SecureMR: Secure MapReduce Computation Using Homomorphic Encryption and Program Partitioning
Integrated Instruction Set Randomization and Control Reconfiguration for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems
Challenges and Approaches of Performing Canonical Action Research in Software Security
Reinventing the Privilege Drop: How Principled Preservation of Programmer Intent Would Prevent Security Bugs
Robustness of Deep Autoencoder in Intrusion Detection under Adversarial Contamination
Quantifying the Security Effectiveness of Firewalls and DMZs
Application of Capability-Based Cyber Risk Assessment Methodology to a Space System
Building a Virtually Air-gapped Secure Environment in AWS
You Get Where You're Looking for: The Impact of Information Sources on Code Security
On the Emerging Trend of Computer-Aided Cryptology and the Technology Transition Gap it Presents