Title Date
Towards Formally Verified Deep Neural Networks
Perspectives on Applying the Safety Case Approach for the Assurance of Complex Heterogeneous Systems
Case Study: Verifying Safety of a UUV Heading PID Controller
VeriCores: Cyber-Instrumenting Devices Built from Verified Components
High-Assurance Blockchains: Applications and Verification
Model-based System Certification – A Vision
Data-driven Safe Control for Nonlinear Systems
Resilient and Trustworthy Transactive Platform for Smart and Connected Communities
Intrusion and Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Using Formal Methods to Reason About Neural Network Based Autonomous Systems
The KeYmaera X Theorem Prover: Hybrid Systems Verification and Verified Runtime Validation
Principles of Layered Attestation
Safe Pointers and Verifiable Automatic Heap Management without Garbage Collection
Architecture-Driven Assurance for Model-Based Systems Engineering
Keynote Presentation: Sandeep Neema
The Future of Cyber-autonomy
Keynote Presentation: Peter Feiler
Applying Symbolic Execution to Blockchain Applications
Keynote Presentation: Emin Gün Sirer
HACSAW: A Trusted Framework for Cyber Situational Awareness
HCSS Travel Reimbursement Form
Security at the Speed of DevOps: An application security framework for a Lean/Agile/DevOps environment
An Access Control Perspective on the Science of Security
A Ransomware Research Framework
Exploring the Raspberry Pi for Data Summarization in Wireless Sensor Networks