The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that has evolved to make day-to-day life faster and easier. But with the increase in the number of users, the IoT network is prone to various security and privacy issues. And most of these issues/attacks occur during the routing of the data in the IoT network. Therefore, for secure routing among resource-constrained nodes of IoT, the RPL protocol has been standardized by IETF. But the RPL protocol is also vulnerable to attacks based on resources, topology formation and traffic flow between nodes. The attacks like DoS, Blackhole, eavesdropping, flood attacks and so on cannot be efficiently defended using RPL protocol for routing data in IoT networks. So, defense mechanisms are used to protect networks from routing attacks. And are classified into Secure Routing Protocols (SRPs) and Intrusion Detection systems (IDs). This paper gives an overview of the RPL attacks and the defense mechanisms used to detect or mitigate the RPL routing attacks in IoT networks.
Authored by Akshaya Dhingra, Vikas Sindhu
Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) run on resource-constrained devices and play a key role in many Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems based applications. But, achieving an energy-efficient routing in LLNs is a major challenge nowadays. This challenge is addressed by Routing Protocol for Low-power Lossy Networks (RPL), which is specified in RFC 6550 as a “Proposed Standard” at present. In RPL, a client node uses Destination Advertisement Object (DAO) control messages to pass on the destination information towards the root node. An attacker may exploit the DAO sending mechanism of RPL to perform a DAO Insider attack in LLNs. In this paper, it is shown that an aggressive attacker can drastically degrade the network performance. To address DAO Insider attack, a lightweight defense solution is proposed. The proposed solution uses an early blacklisting strategy to significantly mitigate the attack and restore RPL performance. The proposed solution is implemented and tested on Cooja Simulator.
Authored by Sachin Verma, Abhishek Verma, Avinash Pandey
In this paper, we present the architecture of a Smart Industry inspired platform designed for Agriculture 4.0 applications and, specifically, to optimize an ecosystem of SW and HW components for animal repelling. The platform implementation aims to obtain reliability and energy efficiency in a system aimed to detect, recognize, identify, and repel wildlife by generating specific ultrasound signals. The wireless sensor network is composed of OpenMote hardware devices coordinated on a mesh network based on the 6LoWPAN protocol, and connected to an FPGA-based board. The system, activated when an animal is detected, elaborates the data received from a video camera connected to FPGA-based hardware devices and then activates different ultrasonic jammers belonging to the OpenMotes network devices. This way, in real-time wildlife will be progressively moved away from the field to be preserved by the activation of specific ultrasonic generators. To monitor the daily behavior of the wildlife, the ecosystem is expanded using a time series database running on a Cloud platform.
Authored by Marialaura Tamburello, Giuseppe Caruso, Stefano Giordano, Davide Adami, Mike Ojo
Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) is the underlying routing protocol of 6LoWPAN, a core communication standard for the Internet of Things. In terms of quality of service (QoS), device management, and energy efficiency, RPL beats competing wireless sensor and ad hoc routing protocols. However, several attacks could threaten the network due to the problem of unauthenticated or unencrypted control frames, centralized root controllers, compromised or unauthenticated devices. Thus, in this paper, we aim to investigate the effect of topology and Resources attacks on RPL.s efficiency. The Hello Flooding attack, Increase Number attack and Decrease Rank attack are the three forms of Resources attacks and Topology attacks respectively chosen to work on. The simulations were done to understand the impact of the three different attacks on RPL performances metrics including End-to-End Delay (E2ED), throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and average power consumption. The findings show that the three attacks increased the E2ED, decreased the PDR and the network throughput, and degrades the network’, which further raises the power consumption of the network nodes.
Authored by Amal Hkiri, Mouna Karmani, Mohsen Machhout
Although 6LoWPAN has brought about a revolutionary leap in networking for Low-power Lossy Networks, challenges still exist, including security concerns that are yet to answer. The most common type of attack on 6LoWPANs is the network layer, especially routing attacks, since the very members of a 6LoWPAN network have to carry out packet forwarding for the whole network. According to the initial purpose of IoT, these nodes are expected to be resource-deficient electronic devices with an utterly stochastic time pattern of attachment or detachment from a network. This issue makes preserving their authenticity or identifying their malignity hard, if not impossible. Since 6LoWPAN is a successor and a hybrid of previously developed wireless technologies, it is inherently prone to cyber-attacks shared with its predecessors, especially Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and WPANs. On the other hand, multiple attacks have been uniquely developed for 6LoWPANs due to the unique design of the network layer protocol of 6LoWPANs known as RPL. While there exist publications about attacks on 6LoWPANs, a comprehensive survey exclusively on RPL-specific attacks is felt missing to bold the discrimination between the RPL-specific and non-specific attacks. Hence, the urge behind this paper is to gather all known attacks unique to RPL in a single volume.
Authored by Mohammad Koosha, Behnam Farzaneh, Shahin Farzaneh
In the IoT (Internet of Things) domain, it is still a challenge to modify the routing behavior of IoT traffic at the decentralized backbone network. In this paper, centralized and flexible software-defined networking (SDN) is utilized to route the IoT traffic. The management of IoT data transmission through the SDN core network gives the chance to choose the path with the lowest delay, minimum packet loss, or hops. Therefore, fault-tolerant delay awareness routing is proposed for the emulated SDN-based backbone network to handle delay-sensitive IoT traffic. Besides, the hybrid form of GNS3 and Mininet-WiFi emulation is introduced to collaborate the SDN-based backbone network in GNS3 and the 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low Power Personal Area Network) sensor network in Mininet-WiFi.
Authored by May Han, Soe Htet, Lunchakorn Wuttisttikulkij
A High Overtone Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator (HBAR) is fabricated with the active material being Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST). Owing to its strong electrostrictive property, the BST needs an external dc voltage to yield an electromechanical coupling. The variations in resonances with respect to varying dc fields are noted and analyzed with the aid of an Resonant Spectrum Method (RSM) model. Effective coupling coefficient \$(\textbackslashmathrmK\_\textbackslashmathrme\textbackslashmathrmf\textbackslashmathrmfˆ2(%))\$ in the case of employed MIM based structure is observed and the comparisons are drawn with the corresponding values of the CPC structures. An improvement of 70% in the value of \$\textbackslashmathrmK\_\textbackslashmathrme\textbackslashmathrmf\textbackslashmathrmfˆ2\$(%)at 1.34 GHz is witnessed in MIM structures because of direct access to the bottom electrode of the structure.
Authored by Shivakumar Chedurupalli, Karthik Reddy, T Raman, K.C Raju
Acoustic wave (AW) synthesis methodologies have become popular among AW filter designers because they provide a fast and precise seed to start with the design of AW devices. Nowadays, with the increasing complexity of carrier aggregation, there is a strong necessity to develop synthesis methods more focused on multiport filtering schemes. However, when dealing with multiport filtering functions, numerical accuracy plays an important role to succeed with the synthesis process since polynomial degrees are much higher as compared to the standalone filter case. In addition to polynomial degree, the number set of polynomial coefficients is also an important source of error during the extraction of the circuital elements of the filter. Nonetheless, in this paper is demonstrated that coupling matrix approaches are the best choice when the objective is to synthesize filtering functions with complex roots in their characteristic polynomials, which is the case of the channel polynomials of the multiport device.
Authored by L. Acosta, E. Guerrero, C. Caballero, J. Verdú, P. de Paco
The Inertial Navigation System(INS) and Doppler Velocity Logs(DVL) which are used frequently on autonomous underwater vehicles can be fused under different types of integration architectures. These architectures differ in terms of algorithm requirements and complexity. DVL may experience acoustic beam losses during operation due to environmental factors and abilities of the sensor. In these situations, radial velocity information cannot be received from lost acoustic beam. In this paper, the performances of INS and DVL integration under tightly and loosely coupled architectures are comparatively presented with simulations. In the tightly coupled approach, navigation filter is updated with solely available beam measurements by using sequential measurement update method, and the sensitivity of this method is investigated for acoustic beam losses.
Authored by Talha İnce, Sertaç Çakir
SummaryIn this study, the propagation and resonance properties of shear-horizontal surface acoustic waves (SH SAWs) on a rotated Y-cut 90°X propagating Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) with a Au- or Al-interdigital transducer (IDT) were investigated theoretically and experimentally. It was found that not only a high-density Au-IDT but also a conventional Al-IDT enables the energy trapping of SH SAW in the vicinity of the surface. For both IDTs, the effective electromechanical coupling factor of about 1.2% and the zero temperature coefficient of frequency can be simultaneously obtained by adjusting the cut angle of CTGS and the electrode film thickness.
Authored by Ryoto Suzuki, Masashi Suzuki, Shoji Kakio, Noritoshi Kimura
The main limitation of acoustic particle separation for microfluidic application is its low sorting efficiency. This is due to the weak coupling of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) into the microchannel. In this work, we demonstrate bulk acoustic wave (BAW) particle sorting using capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for the first time. A collapsed mode CMUT was driven in air to generate acoustic pressure within the silicon substrate in the in-plane direction of the silicon die. This acoustic pressure was coupled into a water droplet, positioned at the side of the CMUT die, and measured with an optical hydrophone. By using a beam steering approach, the ultrasound generated from 32 CMUT elements were added in-phase to generate a maximum peak-to-peak pressure of 0.9 MPa. Using this pressure, 10 µm latex beads were sorted almost instantaneously.
Authored by Shinnosuke Kawasaki, Jia–Jun Yeh, Marta Saccher, Jian Li, Ronald Dekker
The achievable bandwidth in ladder acoustic filters is strictly limited by the electromechanical coupling coefficient (k;) in conventional ladder-acoustic filters. Furthermore, their out-of-band rejection is inherently weak due to the frequency responses of the shunt or series-connected acoustic resonators. This work proposes a coupling-matrix-based solution for both issues by employing acoustic and electromagnetic resonators within the same filter prototype using prescribed Chebyshev responses. It has been shown that significantly much wider bandwidths, that cannot be achieved with acoustic-only filters, can be obtained. An important strength of the proposed method is that a filter with a particular FBW can be designed with a wide range of acoustic resonators with different k; values. An 14 % third-order asymmetrical-response filter is designed and fabricated using electromagnetic resonators and an acoustic resonator with a k; of 3.5 %.
Authored by Gokhan Ariturk, Nawaf Almuqati, Yao Yu, Ernest Yen, Adam Fruehling, Hjalti Sigmarsson
Expanding techniques for chip-scale acoustic wave focusing would open doors for advancements in signal processing and quantum electromechanical microsystems. In this paper, we present a method for acoustic wave focusing and wavefront shaping at radio frequencies (RF), validated with thin-film lithium niobite on a low-loss and high coupling silicon carbide (LiNbO3-on-SiC) testbed. By depositing a metal layer, we can mitigate the piezoelectric stiffening effect, and reduce the acoustic wave speed in a patterned area. Employing a design analogous to geometric optical systems, efficient acoustic wave focusing is experimentally observed. With more development, this technique could be employed in emerging acoustic microsystems.
Authored by Jack Kramer, Daehun Lee, Sinwoo Cho, Shahin Jahanbani, Keji Lai, Ruochen Lu
Solidly mounted resonators (SMRs) built on dielectric acoustic reflectors can save several fabrication steps as well as avoid undesired parasitic effects when exciting extended electrodes via capacitive coupling. In this work we manufacture and measure the frequency response of AlN-based SMRs built on 7-layer ZnO/SiO2 acoustic reflectors with SiO2 working as low impedance material and ZnO as high impedance material. After applying a 700°C treatment, their frequency response is measured again and compared with the pre-treatment measurements.
Authored by José Cejas, Teona Mirea, Marta Clement, Jimena Olivares
Recently, in solving problems of sound radiation by systems of piezoceramic radiators, new approaches have emerged, which make it possible to significantly approximate the design parameters of systems to the actually measured ones. These approaches are associated with taking into account the specific features of these systems performing two functions - the function of converting electrical energy into acoustic energy and the function of forming the latter in the surrounding space. The peculiarity of the first function is the interconnection of the electric, mechanical and acoustic fields during energy conversion. The peculiarity of the second function is the interaction of the radiators in the system during the formation of its acoustic field. The aim of the work is to study the effect of acoustic interaction of cylindrical piezoceramic radiators in the composition of flat systems on their physical fields. Using the method of coupled fields in multiply connected domains, using the addition theorems for cylindrical wave functions, we obtain analytical relations that allow one to calculate the numerical results for the parameters of three interconnected physical fields that ensure the emission of sound by plane systems. Their analysis showed that with the radial symmetry of electrical excitation of cylindrical radiators, the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is carried out on one - zero mode of oscillation. The placement of the radiators in the composition of the flat systems leads to the appearance of the effect of acoustic interaction between them in an external field, due to the multiple exchange of radiated and scattered waves. This effect destroys the radial symmetry of the acoustic loading of a single radiator. The violation of symmetry in the conversion of mechanical energy into acoustic energy leads to the appearance of oscillations that follow the zero mode. As a result, there is an effective redistribution of energy “pumped” into the radiators in the zero mode, between subsequent oscillations of the radiators. In turn, the emergence of new modes changes the acoustic field of a flat system. The results show the need to take into account the above features of the physical fields of the radiators in the composition of flat systems when choosing methods and developing methods for measuring field characteristics.
Authored by Oleksandr Leiko, Anatolii Derepa, Olha Pozdniakova, Oksana Kocharian
From the perspective of time domain, the propagation characteristics of sound waves in seawater can be seen more intuitively. In order to study the influence and characteristics of seamount on low frequency acoustic propagation, the research of this paper used the Finite Element Method (FEM) based on time domain to set up a full-waveguide low-frequency acoustic propagation simulation model, and discussed the influencing laws about acoustic propagation on seamount. The simulation results show that Seamounts can hinder the propagation of sound waves, weaken the energy of sound waves. The topographic changes of seamounts can cause the coupling and transformation of acoustic signals during the propagation which can stimulate the seabed interface wave.
Authored by Huang Yan, Hanhao Zhu, Zhiqiang Cui, Zhigang Chai, Qile Wang, Yize Wang
Edge computing is a prospective notion for expanding the potential of cloud computing. It is vital to maintaining a decent atmosphere free of all forms of security and breaches in order to continue utilizing computer services. The security concerns surrounding the edge computing environment has been impeded as a result of the security issues that surround the area. Many researchers have looked into edge computing security issues, however, not all have thoroughly studied the needs. Security requirements are the goals that specify the capabilities and operations that a process that is carried out by a system in order to eliminate various security flaws. The purpose of this study is to give a complete overview of the many different artificial intelligence technologies that are now being utilized for edge computing security with the intention of aiding research in the future in locating research potential. This article analyzed the most recent research and shed light on the following topics: state-of-the-art techniques used to combat security threats, technological trends used by the method, metrics utilize to assess the techniques' ability, and opportunities of research for future researchers in the area of artificial intelligence for edge computing security.
Authored by Francxa Waguie, Fadi Al-Turjman
In today's society, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence technology plays an increasingly important role in social and economic development, and hass become the fastest growing, most widely used and most influential high-tech in the world today one. However, at the same time, information technology has also brought threats to network security to the entire network world, which makes information systems also face huge and severe challenges, which will affect the stability and development of society to a certain extent. Therefore, comprehensive analysis and research on information system security is a very necessary and urgent task. Through the security assessment of the information system, we can discover the key hidden dangers and loopholes that are hidden in the information source or potentially threaten user data and confidential files, so as to effectively prevent these risks from occurring and provide effective solutions; at the same time To a certain extent, prevent virus invasion, malicious program attacks and network hackers' intrusive behaviors. This article adopts the experimental analysis method to explore how to apply the most practical, advanced and efficient artificial intelligence theory to the information system security assessment management, so as to further realize the optimal design of the information system security assessment management system, which will protect our country the information security has very important meaning and practical value. According to the research results, the function of the experimental test system is complete and available, and the security is good, which can meet the requirements of multi-user operation for security evaluation of the information system.
Authored by Song He, Xiaohong Shi, Yan Huang, Gong Chen, Huihui Tang
Cyberspace is the fifth largest activity space after land, sea, air and space. Safeguarding Cyberspace Security is a major issue related to national security, national sovereignty and the legitimate rights and interests of the people. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and its application in various fields, cyberspace security is facing new challenges. How to help the network security personnel grasp the security trend at any time, help the network security monitoring personnel respond to the alarm information quickly, and facilitate the tracking and processing of the monitoring personnel. This paper introduces a method of using situational awareness micro application actual combat attack and defense robot to quickly feed back the network attack information to the monitoring personnel, timely report the attack information to the information reporting platform and automatically block the malicious IP.
Authored by Lei Yan, Xinrui Liu, Chunhui Du, Junjie Pei
The model called CSAI-4-CPS is proposed to characterize the use of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity applied to the context of CPS - Cyber-Physical Systems. The model aims to establish a methodology being able to self-adapt using shared machine learning models, without incurring the loss of data privacy. The model will be implemented in a generic framework, to assess accuracy across different datasets, taking advantage of the federated learning and machine learning approach. The proposed solution can facilitate the construction of new AI cybersecurity tools and systems for CPS, enabling a better assessment and increasing the level of security/robustness of these systems more efficiently.
Authored by Hebert Silva
In recent years, the detection of illegal and harmful messages which plays an significant role in Internet service is highly valued by the government and society. Although artificial intelligence technology is increasingly applied to actual operating systems, it is still a big challenge to be applied to systems that require high real-time performance. This paper provides a real-time detection system solution based on artificial intelligence technology. We first introduce the background of real-time detection of illegal and harmful messages. Second, we propose a complete set of intelligent detection system schemes for real-time detection, and conduct technical exploration and innovation in the media classification process including detection model optimization, traffic monitoring and automatic configuration algorithm. Finally, we carry out corresponding performance verification.
Authored by Ranran Zeng, Yue Lin, Xiaoyu Li, Lei Wang, Jie Yang, Dexin Zhao, Minglan Su
Artificial intelligence is a subfield of computer science that refers to the intelligence displayed by machines or software. The research has influenced the rapid development of smart devices that have a significant impact on our daily lives. Science, engineering, business, and medicine have all improved their prediction powers in order to make our lives easier in our daily tasks. The quality and efficiency of regions that use artificial intelligence has improved, as shown in this study. It successfully handles data organisation and environment difficulties, allowing for the development of a more solid and rigorous model. The pace of life is quickening in the digital age, and the PC Internet falls well short of meeting people’s needs. Users want to be able to get convenient network information services at any time and from any location
Authored by K. Thiagarajan, Chandra Dixit, M. Panneerselvam, C.Arunkumar Madhuvappan, Samata Gadde, Jyoti Shrote
Several excellent devices can communicate without the need for human intervention. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the history of computing, with an estimated 50 billion devices sold by the end of 2020. On the one hand, IoT developments play a crucial role in upgrading a few simple, intelligent applications that can increase living quality. On the other hand, the security concerns have been noted to the cross-cutting idea of frameworks and the multidisciplinary components connected with their organization. As a result, encryption, validation, access control, network security, and application security initiatives for gadgets and their inherent flaws cannot be implemented. It should upgrade existing security measures to ensure that the ML environment is sufficiently protected. Machine learning (ML) has advanced tremendously in the last few years. Machine insight has evolved from a research center curiosity to a sensible instrument in a few critical applications.
Authored by Amit Pandey, Assefa Genale, Vijaykumar Janga, Barani Sundaram, Desalegn Awoke, P. Karthika
The development of industrial robots, as a carrier of artificial intelligence, has played an important role in promoting the popularisation of artificial intelligence super automation technology. The paper introduces the system structure, hardware structure, and software system of the mobile robot climber based on computer big data technology, based on this research background. At the same time, the paper focuses on the climber robot's mechanism compound method and obstacle avoidance control algorithm. Smart home computing focuses on “home” and brings together related peripheral industries to promote smart home services such as smart appliances, home entertainment, home health care, and security monitoring in order to create a safe, secure, energy-efficient, sustainable, and comfortable residential living environment. It's been twenty years. There is still no clear definition of “intelligence at home,” according to Philips Inc., a leading consumer electronics manufacturer, which once stated that intelligence should comprise sensing, connectedness, learning, adaption, and ease of interaction. S mart applications and services are still in the early stages of development, and not all of them can yet exhibit these five intelligent traits.
Authored by Karrar Hussain, D. Vanathi, Bibin Jose, S Kavitha, Bhuvaneshwari Rane, Harpreet Kaur, C. Sandhya
Transformer is the key equipment of power system, and its stable operation is very important to the security of power system In practical application, with the progress of technology, the performance of transformer becomes more and more important, but faults also occur from time to time in practical application, and the traditional manual fault diagnosis needs to consume a lot of time and energy. At present, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology provides a new research direction for timely and accurate detection and treatment of transformer faults. In this paper, a method of transformer fault diagnosis using artificial neural network is proposed. The neural network algorithm is used for off-line learning and training of the operation state data of normal and fault states. By adjusting the relationship between neuron nodes, the mapping relationship between fault characteristics and fault location is established by using network layer learning, Finally, the reasoning process from fault feature to fault location is realized to realize intelligent fault diagnosis.
Authored by Li Feng, Ye Bo