Title Date
The OWASP Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) Project and other musings
Formal Methods Activities on the AFRL CerTA FCS CPI Program
Updatable Security Views
BitBlaze: Binary Analysis for Computer Security
Safety Certification Challenges for Future Air Force Systems
Source Code Analysis Tool Evaluation
Discovery of Vulnerabilities in Binary Code
Automatic Numeric Abstractions for Heap-Manipulating Programs
An Introduction to Separation Logic
Predicting Attack-prone Components
Policy DSL: High-level Specifications of Information Flows for Security Policies
Modular Verification of Concurrent Programs with Heap
Certifying Low-Level Programs with Hardware Interrupts and Preemptive Threads
Automatic Reverse Engineering for Formal Verification
The 7 Features of Habit for Highly Assured Systems Programming
Problems Counting Weaknesses from Static Analysis Tool Exposition (SATE)
An Educational Program for Information System Security Engineers
CodeHawk: Sound Static Analysis through Customization
Detecting "Certified Pre-owned" Software and Devices
Automated Security Analysis: Tool Support for Evaluating C Code
Concurrent Separation Logic
Tutorial: How to Cook a Static Analyzer
Reliable Workflow in a Distributed Environment
Multicore and Cloud Computing - Time to Start Afresh
Toward Practical Formal Analysis of Flight Control Systems in a Model-Based Development Environment