Title Date
Automatic Theorem Proving and SMT
Automated Deductive Translation of Guardol Programs and Specifications into SMT-Provable Properties
Techniques for Scalable Symbolic Simulation
Cyber Defense Strategy
String Solvers for Web Security
Thwarting Themida: Unpacking Malware with SMT Solvers
Verified Software-Based Fault Isolation
Efficient and Verified Checking of Unsatisfiability Proofs
TrackOS: a Security-Aware RTOS
Applying Language-Based Static Verification in an ARM Operating System
Cache and IO-Efficient Functional Algorithms
Verification of Concurrent Software in the Context of Weak Memory
Verification of Concurrent Software in the Context of Weak Memory
Verification of X86 Binary-Level Programs
Access Control Policy Tool (ACPT), An Assurance Tool That Combines Symbolic Model Checking with Combinatorial Coverage
Secure Virtualization with Formal Methods
Verifying the Trusted Platform Module
Concurrency-Focused Dynamic Analysis
Security Analysis of LLVM Bitcode Files for Mobile
A Lazy SMT Bit-vector Solver for Binary Symbolic
Taming JavaScript with F*
Separation Logic Modulo Theories
Above and Beyond: seL4 Noninterference and Binary Verification (PT. 1)
Above and Beyond: seL4 Noninterference and Binary Verification (PT. 2)
2002 HCSS Conference Proceedings