Title Date
The Next IDE: Informative Development Environment
Visualizing Information Flow through C Programs
VAST: Visualization of Attack Surface for Targeting
Using Java PathFinder for Program Understanding and Defect Visualization
Alchemy: Three Ways of Transmutating Programs into Circuits
Replacing Testing with Formal Verification in Intel® Core™ i7 Processor Execution Engine Validation
Proof-Carrying Data Secure Computation on Untrusted Execution Platforms
Generating Implementations of Error Correcting Codes using Kansas Lava
HWMAC: Hardware-Enforced Fine-Grained Policy-Driven Security
Security Systems Engineering
Automated Synthesis of SAT Solvers
Support for Supertype Abstraction in JML
A Retrospective on Constructive Verification
COTS Strategy
Rule-Based Static Analysis of Network Protocol
Run-time Systems for High-Assurance Systems
AURA: A Programming Language with Authorization and Audit
Security as a System-Level Constraint
Predicting Where Software Systems will be Attacked
Analyzing a Cross-domain Component: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
SCADE 6: A Model-Based Development Environment to meet Strong Certification Objectives while Reducing Costs
Formal Specifications on Industrial-Strength Code
Verified Software: The Next Steps
DoD Software Assurance Concept of Operations