Title Date
NSA Center for Assured Software
System-specific static bug finding: tricks, (bitter) experience, open problem.
Computer Security Education: Are we there yet?
Practical Verification & Safeguard Tools for C/C++ and Java
Function Extraction (FX) Technology: Automated Calculation of Program Behavior for Software Assurance
Buyer/Seller Approach to Validation Assurance
Verified Cryptographic Protocol Analysis: Vision and Status
High-Assurance Java Card Applets and Platform
Correct Specification of Java Code
Robust Verification Tools for Improved Secure System Evaluation
Defect Density Estimation Through Verification and Validation
Formalized Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Proving Separation for a Working Microkernel Implementation
2005 High Confidence Software & Systems Keynote
Sufficient Evidence? Building Certifiably Dependable Systems
Software Assurance & the DoD
Function Extraction for Malicious Code: The FX/MC Project
Software Assurance Metrics and Tool Evaluation
Unsafe at any (CPU) Speed - Why We Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over Again
A Next-Generation Platform for Analyzing Executables
Cyclone: A Type-Safe Dialect of C
Verified ARM Implementations
Programatic Development Environment
Cryptol Technologies
Specware Technologies