These days, safety measures can t be neglected. In a world where digital risks are becoming more prevalent, efficient security has become an essential aspect of any system or business. Protecting valuables now requires a defensive strategy with several layers. Security systems play an important role in today s modern, industrialised society. The security system is primarily intended to address the need for the protection of hard-earned treasures (jewels). Unlike the current method, which uses physical locks that are readily falsified, this system uses Bluetooth and RFID tags in conjunction with digital (electronic) code locks to unlock the door automatically once the series of authentications is validated and emits alarm noises when any discrepancy happens. The ability of subsequent layers of defense to prevent intrusion is unaffected by the failure of an earlier one to provide detection. In this effort, we use IoT to design and build a fully automated security system that will operate with no more human intervention when it is put into place. In addition, the system s overall cost of adoption is far lower than that of any other consumer security solution now on the market.
Authored by Somya Prakash, Sabita Mali, Farida Ali
In today s world, security is a very important issue. People should always keep their belongings safe. To increase security, this research work proposes a IoT-based smart lockers with sensors and access keys with security, verification, and user-friendly tools. This model alerts the user when someone else tries to access their locker and quickly sends an alarm to the authorized user, and provides the option to either grant or reject access to the valid user. In this paper, smart locker is kept registered early to use a locker in the bank, office, home, etc. to ensure safety. The user demands to send an unlock direction with the help of microcontroller NUDE MCU ESP8266 and after accepting the command from the cloud (BLYNK APP), only the user can unlock the closet and access the valuables. This study has also introduced the encroachment detection in lockers with sensors and finally installed smart lockers with fire alarms for security and reliability.
Authored by Bhawna Khokher, Mamta Savadatti, Anish Kumar, T.V. Nikhil, Pranav Raj, Aditya Thakre
This paper focuses on the adoption of biometric and RFID security gadgets as innovative solutions for enhancing door lock systems. The traditional reliance on physical keys has proven vulnerable to security breaches, prompting the need for more robust measures. Biometric features such as Fingerprint, Voice and Bluetooth offer unparalleled security by leveraging unique biological characteristics for authentication. Additionally, integrating RFID technology enables convenient access control through assigned cards or tags, eliminating the need for physical keys or complex passwords. The combination of these cutting-edge solutions establishes a comprehensive security infrastructure, significantly reducing risks associated with conventional lock systems. This research highlights the benefits and applications of these technologies in various settings, emphasizing their role in creating a safer environment for individuals and organizations.
Authored by Sherly Alphonse, Chitranshu Gupta, Mohammad Warsi, Karmokar Shantu, Aryaman Tamotia
In today s world, security is a very important issue. People should always keep their belongings safe. To increase security, this research work proposes a IoT-based smart lockers with sensors and access keys with security, verification, and user-friendly tools. This model alerts the user when someone else tries to access their locker and quickly sends an alarm to the authorized user, and provides the option to either grant or reject access to the valid user. In this paper, smart locker is kept registered early to use a locker in the bank, office, home, etc. to ensure safety. The user demands to send an unlock direction with the help of microcontroller NUDE MCU ESP8266 and after accepting the command from the cloud (BLYNK APP), only the user can unlock the closet and access the valuables. This study has also introduced the encroachment detection in lockers with sensors and finally installed smart lockers with fire alarms for security and reliability.
Authored by Bhawna Khokher, Mamta Savadatti, Anish Kumar, T.V. Nikhil, Pranav Raj, Aditya Thakre
Advances in sensor and communication technologies have transformed traditional homes into smart homes, equipped with sensors and actuators for various functionalities like smart lighting, temperature control, irrigation, solar monitoring, entertainment, and security. This transition is powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) architecture, enabling smart home hubs to integrate and control devices with different communication protocols. However, this shift has also introduced new security and privacy issues in the Smart Home IoT (SH-IoT) environment. To address these challenges, new communication protocols with cryptographic features have been developed, and a unified standard called Matter has been created to promote interoperability among different device manufacturers. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of recent trends and advances in the smart home IoT landscape, focusing on communication protocols, their security issues and protection features against vulnerabilities in the SH-IoT environment.
Authored by Ismael Holguin, Sai Errapotu
With the advancement in Internet of things smart homes are rapidly developing. Smart home is the major key component of Internet of thing. With the help of IOT technology we can stay connected to our home appliance. Internet of Things is the Associations of inserted advancements that. Contained physical protests and is utilized to convey and keenness or collaborate with the internal states or the outer surroundings. Rather than individuals to individuals’ correspondence, IoT accentuation on machine-to-machine correspondence. Smart home connects the physical components of our home with the help of software and sensors so that we can access them via internet from one place. Building home automation includes computerizing a home, likewise, mentioned to as a sensible home or smart home. Domestic machines are an urgent part of the Web of Things whenever they are associated with the web. Controlled devices are commonly connected to a focal center or entryway through a domestic automation framework. A smartphone application, tablet PC, personal computer, wall-mounted terminals, or even a web interface that can be gotten to from off-website over the Web are completely utilized by the program to work the framework. Since all the devices are interconnected and interlinked to one an-another they are lot of chances for security breach and data theft. If the security layer is easily breakable any third-party attacker can easily theft the private data of the user. Which leads us to pay more attention to protecting and securing private data. With the day-to-day development of Smart Home, the safety also got to be developed and updated day to day the safety challenges of the IoT for a wise home scenario are encountered, and a comprehensive IoT security management for smart homes has been proposed. This paper acquaints the status of IoT development, and furthermore contains security issues challenges. Finally, this paper surveys the Gamble factor, security issues and challenges in every point of view
Authored by S.R Anupriya, Muthumanikandan V
In the last decade the rapid development of the communications and IoT systems have risen many challenges regarding the security of the devices that are handled wirelessly. Therefore, in this paper, we intend to test the possibility of spoofing the parameters for connection of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, to make several recommendations for increasing the security of the usage of those devices and to propose basic counter measurements regarding the possibility of hacking them.
Authored by Cristian Capotă, Mădălin Popescu, Simona Halunga, Octavian Fratu
Multiple smart operations, similar as smart technologies in homes, smart metropolises, smart husbandry, and smart health and fitness centres, use a new technology known as the Internet of effects. They correspond of an multifariousness of multiple networked bias that link to multiple detectors and the internet. Among the layers that comprise an IoT armature are the perception subcaste, network subcaste, and operation subcaste. Due to their wide use, these smart biases have fairly minimum protection and are vulnerable to attacks. Comprehensive explanations of operation subcaste security issues and protocols, similar as Advance Message Queuing Protocol(AMQP) in application layer protocol, Constrained operation protocol(CoAP), and REST(Emblematic State Transport).
Authored by K Parvathy, B Nataraj
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects the physical world to the digital world, and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a significant role. There are billions of IoT products in the market. We found that security was not the primary focus of software developers. The first step of designing a secure product is to analyze and note down the security requirements. This research paper proposes a modified approach, incorporating elements from the SREP (Software Requirements Engineering Process) and SQUARE (Security Quality Requirement Engineering), to define security requirements for IoT products. The revised process is applied to determine the security requirements of a Smart Lock system that utilizes the publish/subscribe protocol MQTT-SN (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport for Sensor Networks) communication protocol architecture.
Authored by Hemant Gupta, Amiya Nayak
This paper focuses on the adoption of biometric and RFID security gadgets as innovative solutions for enhancing door lock systems. The traditional reliance on physical keys has proven vulnerable to security breaches, prompting the need for more robust measures. Biometric features such as Fingerprint, Voice and Bluetooth offer unparalleled security by leveraging unique biological characteristics for authentication. Additionally, integrating RFID technology enables convenient access control through assigned cards or tags, eliminating the need for physical keys or complex passwords. The combination of these cutting-edge solutions establishes a comprehensive security infrastructure, significantly reducing risks associated with conventional lock systems. This research highlights the benefits and applications of these technologies in various settings, emphasizing their role in creating a safer environment for individuals and organizations.
Authored by Sherly Alphonse, Chitranshu Gupta, Mohammad Warsi, Karmokar Shantu, Aryaman Tamotia
The Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by a myriad of communication protocols that enable seamless connectivity among devices. However, the open nature of the internet exposes these communication protocols to various flaws and vulnerabilities, resulting in the necessity for rigorous security verification. In response to this imperative, the literature abounds with research efforts aimed at assessing the security properties of IoT communication protocols using diverse techniques. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of these research endeavors, with a specific focus on the utilization of Formal Methods to verify the security of common communication protocols employed in the IoT.
Authored by Imane Bouziane, Houda Belmokadem, Mohamed Moussaoui
Today the motorcycle theft cases in Indonesia are in a very high rate and it has been continuing to increase in every year. For this, there is a need for a security system for motorcycle to minimize the risk of motorcycle theft. This study aims to design and create an Internet of Things (IoT)-based security system for the motorcycle that can be controlled through smartphone purposely to reduce the rate of motorcycle thefts. The system was created using Arduino microcontroller. From the results of the implementation, it produced a device that has a number of features including turning on, turning off, and motorcycle starter using application. Another one is the function of tracking to trace the position of the motorcycle. The third feature is to turn off the function of motorcycle socket and the fourth feature is to control the switch engine of motorcycle. The results of the testing in the parameters of maximum distance of Bluetooth connection, delay proses, test of GPS connectivity and test of voice command, showed that it could create a system that can be used well as an anti-theft device for motorcycle.
Authored by Adika Saputra, Vera Suryani, Andrian Rakhmatsyah
There will be a billion smart devices with processing, sensing, and actuation capabilities that can be connected to the Internet under the IoT paradigm. The level of convenience, effectiveness, and automation for consumers is expected to rise owing to promising IoT applications. Privacy is a significant concern in IoT systems, and it is essential to provide users with full awareness and control over the data collected by these systems. The use of privacy-enhancing technologies can help to minimise the risks associated with data collection and processing and ensure that user privacy is protected. Lack of standards for devices with limited resources and heterogeneous technologies intensifies the security issue. There are various emerging and existing technologies that can help to address the security risks in the IoT sector and achieve a high degree of trust in IoT applications. By implementing these technologies and countermeasures, it is possible to improve the security and reliability of IoT systems, ensuring that they can be used safely and effectively in a wide range of applications. This article s intent is to provide a comprehensive investigation of the threats and risks in the IoT industry and to examine some potential countermeasures.
Authored by Jaspreet Singh, Gurpreet Singh, Shradha Negi
Technology integration has enabled value-added services and quality-of-life enhancement in almost all aspects of modern life. In this paper, we present a UAV and low-cost Bluetooth low energy (BLE) tags-based location search system which enables a cart take-home service for shoppers of a supermarket in a model smart colony. The presented system has quality-of-life enhancement as well as carbon footprint reduction effects and can be integrated with the existing security and/or transport system of the model smart colony. Conducted field trials on location accuracy of the system are also presented, showing that carts left by residents outside the home can be located within 6.58m and carts taken inside homes or buildings can be located within 16.43m.
Authored by Rana Bilal, Zubair Akhter, Nawaf Alsahli, Muhammad Abdel-Aal, Atif Shamim
IoT-Based Smart Bag and Women Security System is an novel solution to address the raising problem of women s safety and offers protection to their personal belongings while providing real-time status updates. In recent days, women often face insecure situations in society. To overcome this, a safety-oriented method has been proposed. When the person is attacked by any of the strangers of thieves, the person can use the push button by which an alert notification is delivered to the registered smart phone number with the person’s location. Additionally, the bag is provided with a shock generator that can be used by women to defend themselves against attacks from strangers or theft people, which generates an electric shock of 550V. The bag is also assisted with a finger print detector is used for securing the zipper to avoid theft. An internal lighting system have been used which detects the intensity of light and automatically switches ON when the intensity is low for ease of locating items and a wireless charger for consumer’s convenience. This system utilizes components such as ESP32, a fingerprint sensor, and a GPS system helps tracing the exact location of the bag. The collected data can visualize through the Adafruit dashboard, that offers users a clear view of the bag s location, and ON and OFF status of LED and fingerprint sensor.
Authored by Ramesh R
Logistic transportation is the backbone of the supply chain. An uninterrupted transportation of any goods keeps the supply chain well balanced and thus helps the business as well as the economy. But in this current world, the transportation of goods is being harmed in many ways. One of those is theft, where the driver is also involved or not, but the thief steals the goods with or without breaking the seal. Both the supplying company and the client are affected by this. To reduce the problem, we are proposing a two-step security system. So that even if one system is deactivated somehow, the other system can be alerted, and necessary steps can be taken accordingly. By doing so, we can maintain a constant connection with the vehicle. Through this proposed project, the outer door seal of the cargo vehicle can be locked or unlocked, and the server can observe in real time whether any items inside are being stolen without opening the door. The security of logistics supply vehicles through the proposed paper will be more robust and beneficial to both the transport service provider and the service taker.
Authored by Thohidul Islam, Md. Qureshi, Hrishin Palit, Md. Sayeed
In today s world, security is a very important issue. People should always keep their belongings safe . To increase security, this research work proposes a IoT-based smart lockers with sensors and access keys with security, verification, and user-friendly tools. This model alerts the user when someone else tries to access their locker and quickly sends an alarm to the authorized user, and provides the option to either grant or reject access to the valid user. In this paper, smart locker is kept registered early to use a locker in the bank, office, home, etc. to ensure safety. The user demands to send an unlock direction with the help of microcontroller NUDE MCU ES P8266 and after accepting the command from the cloud (BLYNK APP), only the user can unlock the closet and access the valuables. This study has also introduced the encroachment detection in lockers with sensors and finally installed smart lockers with fire alarms for security and reliability.
Authored by Bhawna Khokher, Mamta Savadatti, Anish Kumar, T.V. Nikhil, Pranav Raj, Aditya Thakre
Advances in sensor and communication technologies have transformed traditional homes into smart homes, equipped with sensors and actuators for various functionalities like smart lighting, temperature control, irrigation, solar monitoring, entertainment, and security. This transition is powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) architecture, enabling smart home hubs to integrate and control devices with different communication protocols. However, this shift has also introduced new security and privacy issues in the Smart Home IoT (SH-IoT) environment. To address these challenges, new communication protocols with cryptographic features have been developed, and a unified standard called Matter has been created to promote interoperability among different device manufacturers. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of recent trends and advances in the smart home IoT landscape, focusing on communication protocols, their security issues and protection features against vulnerabilities in the SH-IoT environment.
Authored by Ismael Holguin, Sai Errapotu
In the last decade the rapid development of the communications and IoT systems have risen many challenges regarding the security of the devices that are handled wirelessly. Therefore, in this paper, we intend to test the possibility of spoofing the parameters for connection of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices, to make several recommendations for increasing the security of the usage of those devices and to propose basic counter measurements regarding the possibility of hacking them.
Authored by Cristian Capotă, Mădălin Popescu, Simona Halunga, Octavian Fratu
With the advancement in Internet of things smart homes are rapidly developing. Smart home is the major key component of Internet of thing. With the help of IOT technology we can stay connected to our home appliance. Internet of Things is the Associations of inserted advancements that. Contained physical protests and is utilized to convey and keenness or collaborate with the internal states or the outer surroundings. Rather than individuals to individuals’ correspondence, IoT accentuation on machine-to-machine correspondence. Smart home connects the physical components of our home with the help of software and sensors so that we can access them via internet from one place. Building home automation includes computerizing a home, likewise, mentioned to as a sensible home or smart home. Domestic machines are an urgent part of the Web of Things whenever they are associated with the web. Controlled devices are commonly connected to a focal center or entryway through a domestic automation framework. A smartphone application, tablet PC, personal computer, wall-mounted terminals, or even a web interface that can be gotten to from off-website over the Web are completely utilized by the program to work the framework. Since all the devices are interconnected and interlinked to one an-another they are lot of chances for security breach and data theft. If the security layer is easily breakable any third-party attacker can easily theft the private data of the user. Which leads us to pay more attention to protecting and securing private data. With the day-to-day development of Smart Home, the safety also got to be developed and updated day to day the safety challenges of the IoT for a wise home scenario are encountered, and a comprehensive IoT security management for smart homes has been proposed. This paper acquaints the status of IoT development, and furthermore contains security issues challenges. Finally, this paper surveys the Gamble factor, security issues and challenges in every point of view.
Authored by S.R Anupriya, Muthumanikandan V
Multiple smart operations, similar as smart technologies in homes, smart metropolises, smart husbandry, and smart health and fitness centres, use a new technology known as the Internet of effects. They correspond of an multifariousness of multiple networked bias that link to multiple detectors and the internet. Among the layers that comprise an IoT armature are the perception subcaste, network subcaste, and operation subcaste. Due to their wide use, these smart biases have fairly minimum protection and are vulnerable to attacks. Comprehensive explanations of operation subcaste security issues and protocols, similar as Advance Message Queuing Protocol(AMQP) in application layer protocol, Constrained operation protocol( CoAP), and REST( Emblematic State Transport).
Authored by K Parvathy, B Nataraj
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects the physical world to the digital world, and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a significant role. There are billions of IoT products in the market. We found that security was not the primary focus of software developers. The first step of designing a secure product is to analyze and note down the security requirements. This research paper proposes a modified approach, incorporating elements from the SREP (Software Requirements Engineering Process) and SQUARE (Security Quality Requirement Engineering), to define security requirements for IoT products. The revised process is applied to determine the security requirements of a Smart Lock system that utilizes the publish/subscribe protocol MQTT-SN (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport for Sensor Networks) communication protocol architecture.
Authored by Hemant Gupta, Amiya Nayak
There will be a billion smart devices with processing, sensing, and actuation capabilities that can be connected to the Internet under the IoT paradigm. The level of convenience, effectiveness, and automation for consumers is expected to rise owing to promising IoT applications. Privacy is a significant concern in IoT systems, and it is essential to provide users with full awareness and control over the data collected by these systems. The use of privacy-enhancing technologies can help to minimise the risks associated with data collection and processing and ensure that user privacy is protected. Lack of standards for devices with limited resources and heterogeneous technologies intensifies the security issue. There are various emerging and existing technologies that can help to address the security risks in the IoT sector and achieve a high degree of trust in IoT applications. By implementing these technologies and countermeasures, it is possible to improve the security and reliability of IoT systems, ensuring that they can be used safely and effectively in a wide range of applications. This article’s intent is to provide a comprehensive investigation of the threats and risks in the IoT industry and to examine some potential countermeasures.
Authored by Jaspreet Singh, Gurpreet Singh, Shradha Negi