Title Date
Policy Analytics for Cybersecurity of Cyber-Physical Systems
Foundations for Cyber-Physical System Resilience
Multi-model Test Bed for the Simulation-based Evaluation of Resilience
C3E 2018 Fall Workshop Travel Logistics
C3E Spring 2018 Venue
C3E 2018 Mid-Year Event Agenda
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NSA Science of Security Research Initiative
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Travel Guidance for January 2014 Workshop
C3E 2012 Workshop Agenda
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2012 Science of Security Community Meeting Agenda
SCC Meeting 19 Program Agenda
HoTSoS'19 Venue
C3E 2014 Challenge Problem
C3E 2015 Challenge Problem
C3E 2016 and 2017 Challenge Problem
SoS Background Material
C3E Fall 2018 Workshop Agenda
Consensus of Multi-Agent Networks in the Presence of Adversaries Using Only Local Information
HMM-Based Characterization of Channel Behavior for Networked Control Systems
Coordinated Variable Structure Switching in Smart Power Systems: Attacks and Mitigation
Leader Selection Games under Link Noise Injection Attacks
A Dynamic Game–Theoretic Approach to Resilient Control System Design for Cascading Failures