Title Date
Compiler Verification and Beyond: Verified Tools for High-Assurance Software
Verified Compiler Technology and Separation Logic for Reasoning about Concurrent C Programs
Towards High-Assurance Run-Time Systems
Using the Cambridge ARM Model to Verify the Concrete Machine Code of seL4
Let's Build Secure Systems on a Correct Kernel
Developing Secure Mobile Architectures: The COTS Challenge
Applying Formal Methods to Prove Correctness of Surgical Robot Software
Verifying Timing-Centric Software Systems
Copilot: Cyber-Physical System Run-Time Verification
Making High-Confidence Systems Low-Cost
Dynamic Enforcement of Knowledge-Based Security Policies
Enforcing Information Flow Policies via Generation of Monitors in Java Card Runtime Environments
Guardol: A Domain-Specific Language for Guards Supporting Strong Automated Formal Analysis
Information Security: The Legacy of a Maginot Line in Cyberspace
Security Inception - Exploiting the Software Ecosystem
Matching Logic
Analysis-Based Verification: A Programmer-Oriented Approach to the Assurance of Mechanical Program Properties
Automatically Identifying Exploitable Bugs
CAS Static Analysis Tool Study Overview
The Open World Framework
Parametric Verification of Address Space Separation
Proposed Formal Methods Supplement for RTCA DO 178C
Moving-Target Defense With Configuration-Space Randomization
High Assurance Crypto-Development with Cryptol
Software Analysis Workbench (SAW)